Gostovanje ::: 035. Vpliv spremembe cPanel gesla na druga gesla

The main username and password are the same for cPanel login, FTP login, and MySQL database access.

When you change your cPanel password, this also changes your main FTP password and main database password. Any FTP users and Database users you created are not affected. Email accounts you created are not affected.

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Gostovanje ::: 004. cPanel Video podpora

We have set up step-by-step movies on how to do nearly everything with your account. cPanel X3...

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cPanel is used for managing your web hosting account and available on all Linux hosting plans,...

Gostovanje ::: 003. cPanel Priročnik

These are great resources we hope will help: Video Tutorials by cPanelOfficial cPanel User Manual

00. Gostovanje ::: Obvestilo

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