Gostovanje ::: 104. GnuPG ključi

GnuPG is a publicly available encryption scheme that uses the "public key" approach. With GnuPG, messages are encrypted using a "public key" however, they can only be decrypted by a "private key", which is retained by the intended recipient of the message.

  1. Login to cPanel and click on the GnuPG Keys icon in the Security section.
  2. Next to Your Name:, enter the name you want seen during secure communications.
  3. Next to Your Email:, enter the full email address you will use with the pair of keys.
  4. Next to Comment/Nickname:, enter a short reminder about the purpose of this key pair.
  5. Next to Key Password, enter the password you desire for the encryption. Be sure to enter the same password, again, on the next line.
  6. Next to Expire Date:, enter a value in years or weeks or days, but not a combination of those. So, if you need 1 year and 3 weeks, enter "55w". If you need 1 year, 3 weeks, and 2 days, enter "388d".
  7. Next to Key Size:, select the size of the encryption key. A bigger number means better encryption.
  8. Hit the "Generate Key" button and you will be able to view both keys.


You can also import an existing key by clicking the "Import Key" button at the bottom of the same page. Then simply copy the key code you want, and paste it into the text area provided. Click the "Import" button, and the key will be added to your account.

How do these keys work?

You keep your private key secret from everyone, but you give your public key to anyone who wants it.
If you want to send someone an encrypted email, you need to get their public key and use that to perform the encryption. The receiver must use their own private key to decrypt the email.
If you want someone to send you an encrypted email, you need to give them your public key. Once they send the message, you must use your private key to read it. 

Ok, how do I use my keys?

It's very advanced. Please read here for details.

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