[.KZ] Domain Names Registration Rules

   Domain  name KZ is officially registered top-level domain name in the DNS
addressing system of Internet network. According to the international standard
ISO-3166, KZ is double-letters code of Republic Kazakhstan. Nonprofit
organization "Kazakh centre of n etwork information" (KazNIC) is admitted by
the international Internet register IANA, and nominated to be a Manager
(Operator) on distribution and support of "KZ" Internet domain address

This document specifies rules of distribution of second level domain
names in the address space of KZ.

1. Application.

The Rules provided in this document are subjected to all requests for
registering of domain name in "KZ" domain and all under-domains with the
exception of cases, when other rules for under-domain exists

2. Possible change of Rules

Any changing of the Rules can not change the status of domain name, which
was registered in the full correspondence to Rules before their change, with
exception of technical compatibility cases. Any changing of the Rules should
published beforehand for discussion and available in Internet on arrdess:

3. Reserved domain names.

List of reserved domain names, having determined destination comprises of

ORG.KZ - intended for registration of third level domain names for nonprofit
organizations, residents of Republic Kazakhstan;
EDU.KZ - intended for registration of third level domain names for
organizations of residents RK, having licenses of educational
NET.KZ - intended for registration of third level domain names for
organizations in the scope of networks of data base communications,
having corresponding licenses of Ministry of the Transport and
Communications of Republic Kazakhstan;
GOV.KZ - intended for registrations of third level domain names for
organizations of government sector of Republic Kazakhstan;
MIL.KZ - intended for registrations of third level domain names for
organizations of Ministry of Defense of Republic Kazakhstan;
COM.KZ - intended for registrations of third level domain names for
commercial organizations and in purposes of registered trade
mark protection;

4. Schedule of consideration.

All requests for regiastration of domain names are considered in the
order of their arrival on the registration. There is no another priorities.

5. Trade marks.

All disputes, wich can be appeared between domain name registrant and
third party, who are owner of same trade mark name, should be decided
according to Dispute Policy. Dispute Policy is published on this web-address:

6. Internet standards accordance

All requests for domain name registration should be in accordance to RFC
standards 1034, 1035, 1122, 1123.

7. Sending a Request, application forms.

Requests for the registration, updating and removing of records in the
domain name database should be addressed to Manager. Registration agreement,
request forms and filling rules published on web-address:

8. Syntaxis rules.

Domain name can be consists from latin characters, digits and minus sign
"-". Minimal length of name is 1 character, maximum length is 63 symbols,
including 3 ".KZ" characters

9. Domain names server

At least two functionning domain names servers (DNS) should be presented
for the registered name at request time. Non-accordance to this requirement
can be reason of registration failure.

10. Registration.

Result of domain name registration is a record on "KZ" domain name
database and granting control authorities to Internet-servers, wich are
specified in the request. The whole information about registered KZ domain
names is maintained in the database of
Manager and it is available in Internet on addresses:

11. Refusal of registrations.

The Manager have a right to refuse in registration of domain name in
following cases:
a) neither request is not in accordance with the application form or filled
not completely or some appendixes are absent;
b) domain name is already distributed at the moment of request;
c) non-correspondence of request to Internet standards, specified in p.5

12. The Manager can cancel a registration or suspend granting in cases:
a) maintain of domain name can influence on DNS system functioning;
b) there is changed a base to which domain name was registered (for
instance: organization, filled an application does not exist more);
c) a dispute with the third party appeared in accordance to Dispute Policy;
d) using of given name is violation of current Legislation of Republic
e) on deciding of a Court of Repulic Kazakhstan.
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