
  [.SI] Domains ::: 44. DNS and IPv6

DNS test report includes also IPv6 test results, if domain nameservers have one. Nameservers...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 01. Would it be possible to "return" domain name and get money back?

If Domain name holders meet the conditions to be deemed consumers under the law regulating...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 02. Who is entitled to register .si domain name?

A .si domain name can be registered by any legal or natural person. Local presence is not required.

 [.SI] Domains ::: 03. What is the registration period for .si domain names?

Domain names can be registered or renewed for one, two, three, four or five years. 

 [.SI] Domains ::: 04. We already have a .com domain name (or other top level domain) registered. Is it possible to register an identical .si domain name?

You can register any domain name that meets the requirements of The General Terms and Conditions...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 05. Can we register IDN domain name under .si?

Yes. Click here.

 [.SI] Domains ::: 06. What are IDNs?

IDNs (internationalized domain names) are domain names that not only consist of the conventional...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 07. What kind of domain name can be registered under .si?

Any domain name that fulfils the following requirements:   minimum of 2 characters among...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 08. How can we make sure a domain we want to register isn't already taken?

Anyone can check if the desired domain name is still available by using whois search service.

 [.SI] Domains ::: 10. How many domain names can we register?

There's no limitation on the number of domain names per domain name holder.

 [.SI] Domains ::: 11. Can we register a domain name directly at Arnes and not through a registrar?

Since April 4th 2005 a direct registration at Arnes is no longer possible. Arnes acts as a...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 12. What is the contact email address of the domain holder meant for?

All transactions regarding registered domain names are handled by registrars on behalf of the...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 13. What are the costs of domain name registration and renewal?

The payments are handled through registrars: Arnes charges them a unified tariff for the...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 14. How can I change my contact e-mail address?

To change your contact e-mail address (and to update any other data on the domain name holder),...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 16. Why did I get e-message from Arnes that contact e-mail has been changed?

A valid e-mail address is of the utmost importance, because it is our only direct means of...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 17. What will happen with my domain names if the contract between Arnes and my registrar expires?

General Terms and Conditions, clauses 9.2 and 9.3 cover expiration of the contract for registrar:...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 18. Who are the registrars?

A complete list of registrars can be found here and it is regularly updated.

 [.SI] Domains ::: 20. How do we change our registrar?

Each domain name holder can freely choose a registrar. The domain name transfer to a new...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 21. We are not receiving sufficient support from our registrar or our registrar does not renew my domain in time or doesn't have a properly developed helpdesk. Can Arnes intervene?

The registration and management of domain names is carried out via registrars and not directly by...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 22. I've forgotten who is the registrar for my domain name. Can you tell me?

You can use WHOIS search service to find that out. Enter your domain name and you'll get all the...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 23. How do we renew our .si domain name?

A domain name is registered for a period from one up to five years since the date of the...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 24. What does it mean if a domain name is "pending quarantine"?

A registered domain name receives "pending quarantine" status when Arnes has, accordingly to The...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 25. How do we know the domain name is "pending quarantine"?

If your home page and email address under your .si domain name are not working, it might be...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 26. What is the purpose of the status "pending quarantine"?

The purpose of "pending quarantine" status is in preventing the domain holders from...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 27. The registrar hasn't renewed our domain name and it now has a "pending quarantine" status. How can we return it to its prior state?

Contact your registrar and arrange for an immediate start of the renewal procedure for your .si...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 28. When will renewed domain name from quarantine be online again?

After next .si zone upload, that is done every 2 hours.

 [.SI] Domains ::: 29. I don't know the expiry date of my domain name. Can you tell me when it expires?

You can check the expiry date of your domain name via WHOIS search or contact your...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 31. We have agreed with the current domain holder to transfer the domain name to us. What is the procedure of the domain name transfer to a new domain holder?

The domain transfer procedure is described in General Terms and Conditions:   current...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 32. How do we change our registrar?

Each domain name holder can freely choose a registrar. The domain name transfer to a new...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 33. Transfer/Change/Deletion has been initiated, but we haven't received (or we lost) automatically generated email to confirm/reject transaction. To what email was sent and can Arnes send it again?

All automatically generated emails are sent to contact email of the domain name holder. If you...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 34. We tried to confirm/reject a transaction by clicking on hyperlink in confirmation mail, but it didn't work. Is there another way to confirm/reject transaction?

You can fill in the form with the code you received in confirmation mail and fax it to...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 35. We do not wish to use our domain name any more. How do we delete it?

Like all other transactions, domain deletion is also handled by the registrars. As the domain...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 36. I confirmed the deletion of my domain name by mistake. Can I change my mind?

After you confirmed the deletion of your domain name, domain name is quarantined for 30 days. You...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 37. We would like to change our domain name. How do we do that?

It is not possible to change the domain name, not even if the registrar has made a typing error....

 [.SI] Domains ::: 38. What is WHOIS?

The WHOIS service offered by Arnes, .si Registry, is provided for information purposes only. It...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 39. What is DAS?

DAS is Domain Avaliability Service. This tool enables you to check whether a domain name is still...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 40. Why is it that sometimes the only data on domain name holder available via WHOIS search is a contact e-mail (and no name, address, .)?

If domain name holder is a natural person, according to Privacy Act only contact e-mail address...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 41. Command line WHOIS has undisclosed data. Why?

New rules for use of WHOIS are valid from 15. January 2011. Domain name holder data and contacts...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 42. Can we register a domain name without DNS?

Domain names can be registered without DNS. In this case it will not be seen on the Internet. You...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 45. Requirements for DNS domain name delegation.

Basic technical requirements:   For each domain name there must be one primary and at...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 46. What can we do if someone else has registered a domain name we feel that we are entitled to?

Arnes has, in cooperation with legal experts, prepared a Procedure for Alternative (Domain...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 47. Who pays the expenses of the alternative domain name dispute resolution and what are the fees?

The expenses are always covered by the complainant, which means the party that initiates the...

 [.SI] Domains ::: 48. Where can we find arbiter's decisions on dispute cases?

All decisions/verdicts on dispute cases can be found here (in Slovene only).

 [.SI] Domains ::: 49. Policies and forms

Policy documents General Terms and Conditions for Domain Name Registration under .si TLD (pdf)...

 [.SI] Domene ::: 09. Can we register domain names under any other TLD (.com, .org, .) at Arnes?

Arnes is a registry solely for .si top level domain. To register under any other TLD, you need to...

 [.SI] Domene ::: 15. What data must the applicant (future domain name holder) provide to the registrar?

According to GT&C the domain name holder/applicant has to provide registrar with following...

 [.SI] Domene ::: 19. What is the role of the registrars?

Registrars are the intercessors between Arnes and domain name holders (registrants). They...

 [.SI] Domene ::: 30. When do domain names receive "pending Quarantine" status?

If not renewed, on expiry date at time when it was registered.

 [.SI] Domene ::: 43. Kdaj bo domena vpisana v vrhnji DNS-strežnik za .si?

Pogoj za vpis strežnikov v vrhnji DNS .si je, da so DNS-zapisi skladni s tehničnimi zahtevami....