02 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Kako si ustvariti račun v trgovini cPanel
Do you have a cPanel Store account? This tutorial shows you how to get an account in the cPanel...
03 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Kako ustvariti uporabniški podračunWe filmed this tutorial with cPanel & WHM version 64 and the Paper Lantern theme, so the...
04 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Upravitelj datotek - Kako naložiti datoteke (File manager) 05 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Upravitelj aplikacij (Application Manager)https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/70Docs/Application+Manager...
06 Video podpora: cPanel ::: GitwebcPanel's new Git Version Control feature includes easy access to Gitweb. Gitweb allows you to...
07 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Avtomatična namestitev (Git™ Version Control)The Git™ Version Control feature allows you to easily host Git repositories on your cPanel...
08 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Manualna namestitev (Git™ Version Control)The Git™ Version Control feature allows you to easily host Git repositories on your cPanel...
09 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Cron opravila (Cron Jobs)https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/72Docs/Cron+Jobs
10 Video podpora: cPanel ::: ModSecurityhttps://documentation.cpanel.net/display/72Docs/ModSecurity...
11 Video podpora: cPanel ::: MultiPHP INI Editorhttps://documentation.cpanel.net/display/74Docs/MultiPHP+INI+Editor+for+cPanel
12 Video podpora: cPanel ::: API ShellAPI Shell for cPanel: https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/74Docs/API+Shell+for+cPanel...
13 Video podpora: cPanel ::: "Ruby Web" aplikacija (Application Manager)https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CKB/How+to+Create+Ruby+Web+Applications...
14 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Sprememba gesla 15 Video podpora: cPanel ::: MySQL Zbirka podatkov (MySQL Databases) 16 Video podpora: cPanel ::: WordPress Upravitelj 2.0 (WordPress Manager 2.0)Related Documentation WordPress Manager -...
17 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Web DiskDocumentation Links: Web Disk: https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/76Docs/Web+Disk File...
18 Video podpora: cPanel ::: FTP Računi (FTP Accounts)Related Documentation FTP Accounts - https://docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/files/ftp-accounts/...
19 Video podpora: cPanel ::: SFTPRelated Documentation How to Configure Your SFTP Client -...
20 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Objavljalec spletnih strani (Site Publisher)Site Publisher lets you quickly create a simple website, even if you've never created a...
21 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Kontaktni podatkiRelated Documentation Contact Information -...
22 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Uporaba prostora (Disk Usage)https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/76Docs/Disk+Usage...
23 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Dvostopenjska avtentikacija (Two-Factor Authentication)https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/76Docs/Two-Factor+Authentication+for+cPanel
24 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Spremljanje elektronske pošte (Track Delivery)https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/76Docs/Track+Delivery
25 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Seznam za pošiljanje (Mailing Lists)cPanel's Mailing Lists interface allows you to use a single address to send mail to multiple...
26 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Geslo ter zaščita (Directory Privacy, Leech Protection)This video demonstrates how to use Directory Privacy to password-protect content on your cPanel...
27 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Pasovna širina (Bandwidth)This video explains the Bandwidth interface and how to monitor the volume of traffic entering...
28 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Sprememba prikaza/stila (Change Style)Use this interface to choose a style in order to customize the cPanel interface's appearance.
29 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Git™ Version ControlThe Git™ Version Control feature allows you to easily host Git repositories on your cPanel...
30 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Kako upravljati e-poštne račune (Email Accounts)This video demonstrates how to manage existing email accounts on your cPanel account. Related...
31 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Kako ustvariti e-poštne račune (Email Accounts)This video demonstrates how to create an email account on your cPanel account. Related...
32 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Dostavljivost e-pošte (Email Deliverability)This video demonstrates the Email Deliverability (formerly Authentication) interface. This...
33 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Upravitelj WordPress-a (WordPress Manager)Related Documentation WordPress Manager -...
34 Video podpora: cPanel ::: MultiPHP UpraviteljUse cPanel's MultiPHP Manager to manage your domains' PHP version. Being able to manage the PHP...
35 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Prisilna funkcija preusmeritve HTTPS (Force HTTPS Redirect feature)This video demonstrates how to use the Force HTTPS Redirect feature. This feature allows you to...
36 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Upravljanje z "API Tokens"This video demonstrates cPanel's Manage API Tokens interface. An API, or application...
37 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Upravitelj aplikacij (Application Manager)This video demonstrates cPanel's Application Manager interface. You can use this interface to...
38 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Strani z napakami (Error Pages)This video demonstrates cPanel's Error Pages interface. You can use this interface to create...
39 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Zunanja avtentikacija (External Authentication)External Authentication allows you to use third-party authentication to log in to your cPanel...
40 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Upravitelj datotek - Kako uporabljati vse funkcije (File manager)This video demonstrates how to use all of the features in cPanel's File manager interface....
41 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Domenehttps://documentation.cpanel.net/display/76Docs/Domains
42 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Uporabniški upraviteljhttps://docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/preferences/user-manager/...
43 Video podpora: cPanel ::: SSH DostopThis video shows how to use the SSH Access interface to manage SSH keys which allows you to...
44 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Kako spremeniti jezikhttps://documentation.cpanel.net/display/76Docs/Change+Language
45 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Obnova datotek in imenikov (File and Directory Restoration)Documentation Links: How to Manage Metadata Settings document -...
46 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Filtri za neželeno pošto (Spam Filters)How to configure the spam filter settings (powered by Apache SpamAssassin™) for your account....
47 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Kako upravljati s ključi DNSSEC (DNSSEC Keys)This video demonstrates how to create DNSSEC security keys and configure them on cPanel and...
48 Video podpora: cPanel ::: The cPanel "Interface" - JUPITER themeThis video demonstrates how to navigate the cPanel interface in the Jupiter theme. Additional...
49 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Ustvarite e-poštni račun - JUPITER themeThis video shows how to create an email account. Related documentation: Create an Email...
50 Video Tutorials: cPanel ::: Kako namestiti Wordpress teme in vtičnike s pomočjo orodja WordPress - JUPITER themeInstall a WordPress Plugin or Theme with cPanel fast! WordPress Toolkit for cPanel allows you...
51 Video podpora: cPanel ::: Uvod v WordPress "Toolkit" za cPanel - JUPITER themeWordPress Toolkit for cPanel is packed with features to manage multiple WordPress sites, keep...