You can check which name servers are linked to your domain name on the WHOIS database. Enter...
[.EU] When will my quarantined domain name be available again?Look up the domain name in the .eu WHOIS database to find out on what date it will be available...
[.EU] Why is the domain name I want on hold? What does this mean?When a domain name has a status of on hold it means that it has been registered, but is currently...
[.EU] Can I transfer more than one domain name at a time?No, transferring more than one domain name at a time is not possible. Each .eu domain name...
[.EU] How can I obtain the authorisation code?In order to obtain the authorisation code, you should contact your current registrar and ask them...
[.EU] How do I transfer my domain name to a new registrar and/or registrant?If you wish to transfer your domain name to a new registrar and/or registrant, you should proceed...
[.EU] How long does a transfer take?Transfers are carried out immediately after their request by the registrar owing to the fact that...
[.EU] My email address, as displayed in the WHOIS database, is incorrect or does not work. How can I get the authorisation code?In the event that your email address, as shown in the WHOIS database entry, does not work, and...
[.EU] My website has not worked since I transferred my .eu domain name to a new registrar. Why is this?Registrars are responsible for the administration of the domain names in their portfolio and for...
[.EU] Why does my authorisation code not work?The authorisation code includes a total of 16 letters and digits separated by dashes, in the...
[.EU] Why is my domain name in quarantine? How can I restore it?Your domain name is in quarantine because it has been deleted. Names are put into quarantine for...
[.EU] How and when do I renew my domain name?Check with your registrar to find out. Different registrars have different procedures for...
[.EU] I don't want my domain name anymore. What now?If you don't want your .eu domain name anymore you can transfer it to someone else or ask to have...
[.EU] My domain name was deleted. Can it be restored?Yes it can, provided your registrar deleted the name less than 40 days ago. When deleted, your...
[.EU] When does the registration period for my domain name expire?.eu domain names can be registered for a period of 1 to 10 years. This period is called a...
[.EU] I don’t remember which registrar registered my domain name. How can I find out?You can find the registrar details of your domain name in the .eu WHOIS database.Enter your...
[.EU] The name of the registrar shown in the WHOIS database is not the same as the company that registered my domain name. How come?Accredited .eu registrars sometimes cooperate with subcontractors or intermediaries to offer...
[.EU] Are .eu IDNs case-sensitive?No. No distinction is made between upper-case and lower-case letters.
[.EU] Can I use different scripts in my IDN if I separate them with a dash (-)?No. The use of different scripts, or alphabets, in a single IDN is not allowed. IDNs made up of...
[.EU] Has there been a Sunrise period for .eu IDNs?No. The first-come, first-served principle applies to all .eu domain names, including IDNs.The...
[.EU] How does the Domain Name System handle IDNs?The Domain Name System recognises basic ASCII characters only, such as plain Latin script.To be...
[.EU] How long can my IDN be?The maximum length of a .eu IDN (the portion after www. and before .eu) cannot be more than 63...
[.EU] What are homoglyphs?Homoglyphs are characters which, due to similarities in size and shape, appear identical at first...
[.EU] What is an ACE string?An ACE string is what you get once the IDN you entered in your browser’s address bar has...
[.EU] What is homoglyph bundling? Does EURid offer it?Domain names can appear so similar that it is often difficult to distinguish between them due to...
[.EU] Why can’t I mix scripts in my IDN?.eu IDN domain names can consist of Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters used in any of the...
[.EU] Can EURid help with my dispute?We can answer questions related to .eu domain names and the .eu registry. But we cannot help you...
[.EU] Someone registered a domain name that I want or that I have a better claim to than its current holder. What do I do?.eu domain names are registered on a “first-come, first-served” basis. If the domain...
[.EU] What happens to the disputed domain name if I win my ADR?If the ADR panel accepts your complaint and you are eligible to register .eu domain names (you...
[.EU] Can you remove my contact information from the WHOIS database?We can never remove all contact information. The amount of contact information shown in the WHOIS...
[.EU] How do I change my contact details in the WHOIS database?Please ask your registrar to change your contact details on your behalf.They can do this by means...
[.EU] What are proxy services?Proxy services are services offered to conceal the contact details of the domain name holder for...
[.EU] What do all the domain name statuses in the WHOIS database mean?A domain name can have any one of the following statuses: Registered This domain name has...
[.EU] What is WHOIS?WHOIS is a protocol that allows users to access the .eu database of domain names. Using WHOIS you...
[.EU] How do I log in to the .eu end-user extranet?To log into the end-user extranet, a domain name holder must first register as a user. Once...
[.EU] What is the .eu end-user extranet? What can I use it for?The .eu end-user extranet allows you, as a .eu domain name holder, to manage certain aspects of...
[.EU] How much does registration cost?The cost varies by registrar. Accredited .eu registrars set their own prices for .eu...
[.EU] Who can register a .eu domain name?Any natural person, company or organisation residing in or established in the European Union,...
[.EU] Who should I contact if I have questions about my .eu domain name?You should contact your registrar. If you don’t know your registrar’s contact...