Gostovanje ::: 006. Pred nastavitvijo dodatne domene

Addon Domains are handled like subdomains as far as the server is concerned, but to the outside world they are separate domains.

Addon Domains do not have their own cPanel; however, you may still create e-mail accounts, redirects, Fantastico installations, subdomains, etc.

Web stats for your Addon Domain will be found within the icon of the web stat program you select in cPanel. If you are using an older cPanel theme such as "X", you will need to look under Subdomain Stats to find the web stats. 

Every addon domain is also a subdomain. You may actually load your addon domain in one of three ways:

  • http://addondomain.com/ (As an Addon Domain Name)
  • http://addondomain.com.primarydomain.com/ (As a Subdomain Name)
  • http://primarydomain.com/addondomain.com/ (As a subfolder)

Don't worry!
Visitors will only know the link you give them; they have no way of knowing which domain is your primary domain and which is the addon domain. To your visitors, the Addon Domain appears to have its own hosting plan.

Note: The temporary URL for an addon or subdomain is


where the username is your cPanel user name for your primary domain.

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