Gostovanje ::: 013. Kaj je poddomena, kreiranje in brisanje le-te

It is not always necessary to register a new domain name when the one you already own will work perfectly fine. Rather than registering a new domain name, you can always create sub domain using the domain you already own. 

A subdomain is a second website, with its own unique content, but there is no new domain name. Instead, you use an existing domain name and change the www to another name. The subdomain name looks like forums.domain.com, help.domain.com, help2.domain.com (assuming you already host domain.com).

Note: Your control panel may look slightly different depending on the theme you are using, however the steps will be the same for all themes based off of the X3 theme.

To create a subdomain, please do the following:

  1. Login to cPanel and click Subdomains.
  2. In the drop-down, choose the domain.
  3. In the box before the domain, type the subdomain name you want.
  4. Click inside the "Document Root" box and it will auto-fill.
  5. Hit the Create button.

To delete a subdomain, please do the following:

  1. Login to cPanel and click Subdomains.
  2. At the bottom, under Actions, click Remove.
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