Gostovanje ::: 034. Sprememba gesla za cPanel račun

There may be times where you would like to change the password of your account. It is recommended to change your password at least once a month. It is also recommended to have the password be alpha numeric so it is difficult to guess.

Video Tutorial: How to change the password of your cPanel account

How can I make a strong password?

Note: Your control panel may look slightly different depending on the theme you are using, however the steps will be the same for all themes based off of the X3 theme. 

The steps to change your cPanel password are as follows:

  1. Login to the cPanel
  2. Click Change Password
  3. In the box to the right of Old Password, provide your old password.
  4. In the box to right of New Password, provide the new password. This password should contain uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers and non-numeric symbols. (example. aB3#$f^&G*1)
  5. In the box to the right of New Password (again), provide the password once again for verification.
  6. Do NOT uncheck the box for "Allow MySQL password change". (This does not reset any passwords for your database users; rather, it keeps you able to login to phpMyAdmin and Fantastico De Luxe via cPanel.)
  7. Click the Change your password button.

You have now just changed your password. Before you proceed, you will be prompted to log back into cPanel.

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