Gostovanje ::: 062. Dostop do Web Disk in WebDav

Web disk (also known as WebDAV) is a drag-and-drop interface which allows you to access your website's files as if it were a local drive on your computer.

Notice, the same goal can be accomplished using FTP via Windows Explorer. 

Typical connection instructions:

  1. Login to cPanel and click the Web Disk icon.
  2. Scroll down and click the Access Web Disk button.
  3. Choose your operating system (the one you use on your personal computer).
  4. Scroll down and hit the Go button.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. On your computer, hit Save, Open, and Run.
  7. You are now viewing website files from your personal computer.

The nice part is, you can now drag and drop files from your local drive to your website.

Our video tutorial will guide you through the steps.

Note: Additional information not included in the video is provided below.

Windows Vista Workaround

If you are having problems getting Web Disk to work with Windows Vista, try this:

Manual connection instructions for Vista:

  1. From the desktop, click on Start and then Computer.
  2. Then, click on Map Network Drive.
  3. From that screen, click Connect to a Web site that you can use to store your documents and pictures, and then click Next.
  4. Click Choose a custom network location, and then click Next.
  5. Enter the following in the Internet or network address field:http://yourdomain:2077 ( or https://yourdomain:2078 )
  6. Enter your WebDisk username and password when prompted.

If you are running Windows Vista on your desktop, you may need to download a patch from Microsoft's website in order to use Web Disk. You can find the patch here from Microsoft's website. 

Windows 7

Issues with Windows 7:

This is a reminder that cPanel cannot handle WebDisk on Windows 7. If you are running Windows 7, you'll need to use a third party webdav software like NetDrive, BitKinex or WebDrive.

Mac OS X

How to connect with MacOS X:

  1. Under Go on the menu bar, select Connect to Server
  2. In the "Server Address" field, type: http://yourdomain:2077 ( or https://yourdomain:2078 )
  3. Click Connect button
  4. In the "WebDAV Authentication" window, enter your username and password.
  5. Click OK
  6. Your Webdisk space icon will then appear on the Desktop like any other disk or network drive. Double-click the icon to open it.
  7. The public_html folder will appear in your Webdisk space.
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