[.KZ] Domain address system

This document describes principles, appointment and the sphere of application of the domain address system using in Internet.

As a rule, each computer, functioning in Internet, has its own unique digital address. This allows to find at once any computer in the Global Computer Net Internet. But the digital address is suitable for computer systems and programmes, at the same time it is more convenient for people to use names, abbreviations or trade mark names in the Internet address. Domain address system using in Internet allows to establish the correspondence of digital address and domain name and is built according to principle of hierarchy. Domain names of top level may contain domain names of the second level which in their turn may contain domain names of the third level and so on, exactly in the same way as we use post address for pointing out the place of letter destination. Country (top level), State (second level), Street (third level).

The definite number of domain names of the top level are registered in the highest level of the domain name Internet hierarchy:

  • COM – domain name of the top level for commercial organizations;
  • ORG - domain name of the top level for non-commercial organizations;
  • NET - domain name for the organization sphere of data transferring net;
  • GOV – for the government and state organizations of Kazakstan republic;
  • MIL - for the organizations of Ministry of defense of Kazakstan republic;
  • EDU - for the educational establishment of Kazakstan republic;

More than that, there is two-letters domain name of the top level for each country in accordance with the standard of two-letters country codes ISO-3166.

  • AU –Australia
  • BY – Belorussia
  • KZ – Kazakhstan
  • RU – Russia
  • US – USA

And so on (the full list on the http://www.jana.org/ )

Appointed managers work with registration and support of domain names of the top level. Their principal functions are:

  • receiving and processing of agreements for registration of domain names in Internet;
  • the support of domain names’ database and giving the information according to requirement about domain name;
  • support and representation of DNS service in Internet for providing the functioning of the computer system Internet, using domain address;
  • delegation of rights of administration and management of the second level domain names.

As a rule non-commercial organization located on the territory of a definite state fulfils the functions of manager supporting the domain names of the top level.

The manager independently set rules and order registration of domain names of the second and the following levels in accordance with the existing standard and rules of domain name Internet delegation (http://www.jana.org/ , http://www.icann.org/ and some others).

Non-commercial organization “Kazakh Centre of Net Information” or “KazNIC in short (http://www.nic.kz/ ) is the manager of registration and supporting of domain names Internet in the domain of top level KZ

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