[.TZ] Available domain categories

Currently seven (7) categories of Second Level Domains (SLDs) are defined and operational. New domain names can ONLY be registered under these SLDs. The categories are:

Category Domain name
Commercial name.co.tz
Not for profit organizations name.or.tz
Tanzania government entities name.go.tz
Tertiary academic or technical institutons with accreditation name.ac.tz
Network of people or hardware name.ne.tz
Tanzania military and defence forces name.mil.tz
Schools (elementary, primary and secondary) name.sc.tz

Governing registration conditions

  • <name>.co.tz Only for registered company or business entity as defined under national laws.
  • <name>.or.tz Only for none profit making organizations.
  • <name>.go.tz Only for formal Tanzania Governmental entities.
  • <name>.ac.tz Only for formal tertiary academic or technical institutions with relevant accreditation.
  • <name>.ne.tz Only for addressing the network of people and hardware.
  • <name>.mil.tz Exclusively for Tanzania Military entities recognized by the Ministry responsible for Defense;
  • <name>.sc.tz Only for schools that are elementary, primary and secondary level institutions.

Last Updated on Thursday, 06 May 2010 13:06

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