Each domain name holder can freely choose a registrar. The domain name transfer to a new registrar is initiated by the future registrar and is described in detail in The General Terms .
Registrar transfer procedure:
- domain name holder contacts the future registrar
- future registrar initiates the required transaction through the domain name registration system
- if the EPP code is used the transfer is carried out immediately, if not an automatic email with a hyperlink to a specific web page is sent to the contact domain holder's email address who then confirms or rejects the transaction
- if the transaction is confirmed within 16 days from the time the automatic email was sent, the domain name is transferred to the new registrar. If the transaction is not confirmed within the time limit (16 days) or is rejected, the transaction is cancelled
On the day transfer is complete, Arnes charges the new registrar a fee for registrar change. The domain name registration date is not changed.